My Projects

React Filter Table

Reusable and customizable React Table component with sort, filter, and pagination capabalities. Published in Node Package Manager and can be installed with the command 'npm install react-filter-tables'. Click here to navigate to it's NPM listing.

React Date Picker

Reusable and customizable React Date Picker component. Published in Node Package Manager and can be installed with the command 'npm install react-lite-datepicker'. Click here to navigate to it's NPM listing.

Chicken Egg Incubator

A chicken egg incubator using Arduino UNO and scrap materials. I did this project during the lockdown period of March 2020. Click to checkout my project.

Google Meet Manager

This chrome extension automatically disconnects Google Meet if number of attendees drop below the limit set by user. The user must install the Google Chrome Extension and click on the extension's icon to open the extension's popup. Set the limit in the popup and press the Start button. Now you can relax :D. The extension will automatically cut the call for you when everyone else is leaving the call. Click here to go to the Chrome Web Store to install the extension.

Teams Call Manager

This chrome extension automatically disconnects Microsoft Teams call if number of attendees drop below the limit set by user. The user should start the call from Teams Web Application, and then open the extension to set a limit. Click here to go to the Chrome Web Store to install the extension.

Header Changer

This is a privacy enhancement tool made available for both Chrome and Firefox browsers. It allows the user to edit the title displayed on the current tab. It is useful when you switch tabs, and you don't want others to know what is on the other tab by reading the tab title. Click here for more options.

Feature to JSON

Web application to speed up the testing process using Couchbase and Cucumber Feature File. It converts feature file data to JSON file which can then be inserted into Couchbase for testing. This will reduce the time required to manually convert the data to JSON format from Feature File. Click here for live demo.

OnTime Tracker

This Chrome Extension tracks the time spent by employees in IBS Software Private Limited (my first company) and shows a countdown timer which denotes the remaining time that you have to spend in this week inside the company to reach the weekly 45 hours target. I used this especially on Fridays to make sure that I have enough hours for the week. Click here to go to the Chrome Web Store to install this extension.

Change log - version 1.7

The work done on hodidays is not considered for OnTime calculation by the company. The previous version was including the work done on holidays for calculating OnTime. I have fixed this issue in the new version - 1.7.

Please email your suggestions and feedbacks to my email id:

Other Projects

Python Cisco Autoconnect
Video Downloader
Firewall Bypass Tool
Pi Camera
Arduino Motor Library